Referrals, prescriptions and certificates
Find knowledge and information about referrals, prescriptions and certificates.
Insurance certificate
1,400 kr.
Insurance certificate An insurance certificate is an official document issued by a doctor to confirm that you are insured.
Fit to fly attest
750 kr.
Fit to fly certificate Fit to fly is a certificate that confirms that you are fit to fly....
Sports certificate
1,400 kr.
Sports certificate Sports certificate is a document that confirms a person's physical fitness to participate in sports...
Driving license certificate (For group 2 insured)
1,400 kr.
Driving license certificate: Everything you need to know before ordering When you apply to get or renew your driving license
Referral to specialists
Referrals to specialists When your general practitioner thinks you need a specialist to help you...
Referral from doctor to hospital
Referral from doctor to hospital When you are experiencing health problems that require special expertise or...
Referral to a physiotherapist
Referral to a physiotherapist If you are experiencing muscle or joint pain, mobility problems...
Referral to a psychologist
Referral to a psychologist Referral to a psychologist is an option for you as a patient when you experience...
Sick leave
Sick leave Sick leave is a statement from a doctor that officially documents that a person is on sick leave.
Renew prescription and get a new prescription
Renew prescription and get a new prescription When you get a prescription from your doctor, it is often an authorization to ...